"Mama, I want to bring an app-ull to school. Get it for me. Please," my four-year old half-demanded, half-begged outside of the fridge, one little palm grasping an iPad, the other laid loosely on the stainless steel of the fridge.

It wasn't unusual for him to ask a snack in what was likely our eighth attempt out the door, but generally it was something closer to Cheetos, Cheesits or a sneak from he candy bowl that was on his mind. Yes at 7:15 a.m.
Grabbing the apple, we set off on our journey of two drop offs and a long commute. One school down and coming in hot to the second, I noticed he slid the apple atop the cubbies, very near the elbow of his favorite teacher.
"I give it to Mr. Brian," he whispered, giving it a small budge toward his arm, then making a face and retreating into my arms.
"Oh, that's nice buddy - how kind of you!" I exclaimed, thinking they'd had a recent lesson on teachers and apples and the ol' addage that they enjoyed the sour things.
"So, I guess he brought you an apple today!" I laughed, watching Mr. Brian's face as he processed whether this was something fun or just a bad Teacher Appreciation gift.
"I eat an apple everyday," said Mr. Brian. "I bet he noticed, and thought I'd like it."
And that, my friends is progress. And it's love.
An apple today made for a memory that will always stay. Proud of your golden, giving heart little buddy.
Enjoy that apple, Mr. Brian.