"Yep, grab the backpack, it's got all the goods in it," I said to the Mister, one hip on the door while two hands balanced waters, Goldfish, gift and of course, the ever-famous iPad. We were headed to a birthday party, which isn't always easy with someone who has the senses of Spiderman, so preparation is always key. Couple that unconditional love, patience and no expectations, and you're sure to feel you've done your best have a fun experience for you and your kiddo.
Sensory soothers aren't just for the sensitive superheroes- many children need more breaks, calm-down tools and safe places to share big feelings than our current world allows them. Here's some of our favs:
Aqua motion: calming, distracting and something a child can
cup in their hand and focus on. Find them in educational
toy stores or Amazon |
Their favorite song! Mix up their movement by offering
a beloved tune, either unusually loud, quiet or in a
safe place where they can regroup |
Pocket bubbles: portable, magical and provides long
minutes of fun as a sort of treat |
Ocean waves nightlight: so soothing and unique, it sends
gentle waves across the ceiling and offers several sounds.
Easy to use, affordable and has a timer. A more relaxing
bedtime routine can be yours! |
Swing: where a child may have trouble getting all of their senses to integrate,
the swing can do for them! Like a reset button that's also fun and calming.
If it takes up too much room, try swinging them by their ankles upside down or side
to side - they'll show you what they like. |
Weighted blanket: to help them feel safe, protected and
cocooned into bed or couch as their body works to settle |
Portable wipes: whether they are Costco's baby wipes or these nicely
individually wrapped ones, find the unscented and tuck them in all your favorite
places on the go. Not only does it help the kiddo that likes impeccably clean
hands, but distracts them for a moment while they work to open the package. |
Matchbox cars: their wheels spin and you can use your imagination. Plus they are
one dollar when you're in a bind. What's not to like? |
Headphones: that fit comfortably for children and cut one of their senses
while the others are hard at work. Perfect for when they are feeling overwhelmed
or at crowded events. |
Kiddie countdown: an app on your phone that counts down with fun music
and a mysterious picture when the words "Two more minutes" are too much
for your kiddo. Everyone likes to know what to expect! |
Social stories, Miralax, essential oils, tagless clothes and socks, deep pressure, quiet spaces and visual cues are also a must in our household, all of which you can find tips on through Pinterest. So get shopping! Calmer days are ahead...for everyone.
What are some of your kids' favorite things when life gets to be a bit much?