"So then, just rub the top of your nail for a bit and wa-la - a beautiful, natural set of nails you don't have to wait to dry!" the sales gal says, her own set of snazzy digits gleaming in the show lights.
It was toward the end of the Holiday Boutique lineup, and after some sustenance and story swapping, my shopping buddy and I were still going strong. Currently we were at the Jamberry Nails booth, delighting in all of the unique patterns, doing ok with the price, but questioning our motivation to actually do the cuts to our own. That and my tiny man hands require the junior designs, which as you can imagine are closer to "Frozen" themes than iKat. Regardless, they were a great find...perfect to tap into your own creativity and expression ofself through your fingertips and an awesome stocking stuffer for any female on your holiday list.
Among the dozens of fabulous booths we stumbled upon, there was also the Younique stop, that rockin' mascara you've seen all over Facebook, been invited to a houe party by a friend or seen on the latest style blogs. And though the gal working couldn't define the "shtick" nor offer a sample, I went on a whim, trusting my even most cynical friends and found the promise of no clumping and 300% longer lashes to be true. Yay! And at a decent price point and in a darling case with a built in rep - sure, why not?!
Finally, Oragami Owl was in attendance as well, making it nearly a one-stop shopping extravaganza for those on my Christmas list. Plus a lanyard for my new job to boot.
So kudos to Holiday Mart and Holiday Boutique for hosting these home businesses and mainstreaming them for the lazier and harder to commit, have to see it in person types. We love it!
Related: Holiday Boutique was almost as fantastico as Holiday Mart, crossing off half my list with ponchos, wild leggings, personalized magnetic boards, that fabulous olive oil dip and more.
Catch it next year if you can! And believe your friends if they offer you one of these awesome products or invite you to a party. They're a pretty fabulous splurge for you or yours!
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