Sunday, October 18, 2009

Obsessed - Again!

“Oh my gah…look how cute it is!” I shriek to Mike, clutching his elbow in what can only be defined as a death grip related to retail mania. Traipsing around Tiffany’s on our date night (I know – terrible; even worse, the KU game was on, but I digress) I was turned on by the plethora of Mommy things that designers had decided to incorporate into one of my favorite stores. Yes, I know it’s overpriced and ridiculous and we come from a family of jewelers, but I must admit Tiffany’s branding had me at the trademarked blue bag.

On this particular evening, I had my eye on adding the scripted “Mom” charm to my bracelet (saves money using existing, yes?) and engraving our little man’s initials on the back. Sans “push present” and attributing this to early Christmas plus a tough delivery, I felt justified in my move to make this purchase. As we chatted it up with the darling customer service gentleman from New York (“he should be our friend,” – I lean over and whisper to Mike), pangs of guilt filled my soul as I thought of Lawson’s hospital bills, my impending pay decrease for the rest of maternity leave, upcoming holidays, etc. But the feeling quickly disappeared as I watched the shiny object drop into packaging so beautifully crafted by the retailer and the calm soothing voice of the sales person telling me “I deserve it.” What a softie! Dave Ramsey would be ashamed.

That being said, I must admit I’ve gone completely over the edge of my adoration of Mommy items. I’m not sure if it bears a mark of honors for me, is just a new “box” I want to fit in or what, but here is a list of other baby-birthing things I’ve been obsessed with since Lawson’s arrival:

BoyMom brand: designed specifically for Mommas with sons, this gear is soft, cuddly and oh-so-trendy. Love, love, love showing off that our little men are number one in our lives! And prices aren't too bad. I scored a hoodie at Holiday Mart that says "Blood Sweat and Tears..." truly the ingredients for raising a boy!

MomAgenda: sleek, chic, bright, bubbly and organized, I almost cried when spotting this in a little boutique in Prairie Village. Feeling it speak to my soul, I did some research and discovered it was one of the most popular organization items sold in the U.S. to Moms – SOLD! Snatching it up in a metallic purple, I began scribbling furiously all my social plans, appointments and to-dos. With customized pockets, divided out notes for the kiddos, etc…it’s perfect for a Mommy on the go that is tired of all the technology with a desire to put pen to paper. Nothing makes this girl happier. When stressed – plan for fun….then glance at how cute and organized it all looks in your MomAgenda! Plus, it supports a regular business woman working her way to the top!

Customized necklace: I first spotted this perched on the lovely neckline of my dear friend Darcie. Silver with some beading, it donned her child’s name and a phrase in a simple, darling look that could go from everyday to evening. Plus, you seemingly have the statement that your child is with you at all times and is a priority. LOVE. Being the amazing friend she is, Ms. Darcie ordered me one that will be in my hot little hands in about 10 days. I’m so excited I can hardly stand it – I already have plans for it to be featured in our family photos. I must admit I’m also quite fond of Lawson’s name and long for people to ask me about it when they see it on the necklace…ridiculous, huh?!

Track suit: swearing these off, particularly when I see the word “Juicy” scrawled across the bottoms of women over 40, I sold out when visiting Old Navy one evening and a plum-colored, velour one was staring at me from across the way. Thinking of how easy it would be to slip on and send the message, “I just don’t care” today – it came home with me. Needless to say, Mike and I are still deciding if we’re embarrassed that I wear it constantly or not. But, it’s perfect for me these days when choosing function over fashion (crazy, huh? – this from the girl who wore heels all through pregnancy) and for savoring the days left when I don’t have to go business casual all-day while trying to avoid spit up and boogies from the kiddo.

Flats: a Mommy must-have for an aching back, hauling the car seat around, rushing from here to there, flats now line the floor of my closet vs. the too-cute-for-words heels I once adored. Luckily, flats are cuter than ever (check out Nordys!) and come in all flavors and styles, making it bearable to give up those sassy stilettos that were once such a part of your wardrobe.
Support groups: ok, so not a tangible accessory, but such a key tip for survival! Whether online or chatting with your neighbor/friend, this is the best part of a Mommy’s wardrobe yet. With valuable advice, someone to vent to or identify with, what would we women do without each other?

So, if you see something Mommyesque on the market, hit me up! I’m the sucker that will run right out and indulge…

And if you need a list of baby "must haves," I have that too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YOU are too cute for words!!!