Thursday, May 24, 2012

We Said "Cheese!"

Or in L's case: "PASTA!"

We're not quite sure where that derived from outside of the photo shoots he so gracefully poses for on school picture day, but if it means he'll crack a smile for the camera, we'll take it.

Though that was not so much the case on this sweltering morning where we attempted to take our first professional family photo, we're still pretty pumped with the results. Check them out here by clicking on "access gallery" and enter "Choate" for the password. For most enjoyable viewing, select "click to view a slide show of these images."And do it soon - they'll only be available for another week.

Finally, to our rockin' photographer Melissa: thank you. Thank you for understanding it's necessary to walk a half a mile when your preschooler needs a snack, that much of your photo opps are spent correcting and answering questions from a curious learner, that little boys require rolls in the mud and near falls into ponds and that when Mama begins to sweat, it all starts to go downhill. You made the most of it, and for that, we appreciate you.

Thanks for making us say "cheese!" They are memories we'll cherish for a lifetime.


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