Truth be told, there’s been a fair share of sh*t that’s gone
down in our household this week, from hosting a party, Elf on the Shelf phobia,
a variety of illnesses, doctor visits, intense deadlines and preparing for a
trip. Toss in round 4,875 of nausea (seriously, half way through and we’re
still doing this?!), and a newfound love of waking every two hours and we’re
operating at about a five on a 10-scale. So, a few complications, but it’s all
And let me be clear about one thing: though things got a
little sh*tty for a few moments over the course of the last six days, we never
talked about it. And we certainly never used the word. Which is why I was
slightly surprised to hear the latest report from Miss Julie on how using our
sight words at circle time went down this week:
“Ok, friends, which of you would like to come up and doing
rhyming with one of our site words this week?”
Our son eagerly raises his hand being the good student he
“Lawson – come on up.”
So up he pranced and she doled out the word he was to rhyme
with, which was “sit.”
You can imagine the outcome of this. Really Miss Julie – you
were asking for it.
Stifling a laugh she played it cool as if the imaginary
words the rest of the kids were making it up (adding syllables to real words,
etc. – a three year old’s playground), they moved on without so much as one
five year old even noticing. Shocking really.
Then the teachers had a good laugh in the lobby. I can only
imagine the kind of parents they think we are now, particularly given I told
her the recent golf ball sized lump on his head was a mosquito bite and didn’t
sign off or (gasp) leave the dosage for the saline nose drops.
Hey, at least the kid can rhyme with the word of the week,
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