Friday, November 12, 2010

Give and Get...Then Get Some More

The little guy totally scored again yesterday...

Thanks to Nana's great taste and love of a bargain, he's now the proud owner of more clothes than Mommy and Daddy combined, including a vintage rocket ship sweater, loose, skinny and original jeans in all sorts of shades, sweaters that make him look catalog worthy and separates perfect for tooling around the house. And much, much more. On our budget, he may get hooked up with some Old Navy duds too if we're so inclined - we'll see. After all, he's truly deserving, right?!

So get out and spoil yours too with GAPs Give and Get program going on the next couple of days which earns you 30-percent off your entire purchase, including sale.

Try to lure the grandparents in, touting something like it's almost the holidays. The wears are so darling it will make your heart ache. I even picked up the girliest onesies and tutus around to spoil the little "nieces" in our world and can't wait to stick them under their tree.

And don't forget to get yourself a little sumthin', sumthin' too while you're at it.

Happy shopping!

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