The night has passed and hearts are happy with memories of small children waddling up to the doorway, beside themselves with anticipation of what you may drop in their pillowcase, their costumes consisting of penguins, legos, princesses, puppies, scary clowns and of course, the occasional teen dressed inappropriately. The remainder of the jack-o’-lanterns candle hangs on into the night, despite the cool breeze and dropping temperatures causing the last of the green grass to spot with frost. Candy is brought to work, the orange and black are packed away and preparations already begin for the day of thanks. But, what to do with those pumpkins you so lovingly picked with your family off a farm just a few weeks ago? Here are some ideas:
1. Paint a word of thanks or celebration: grab any kind of paint from your cupboard or nearest Hobby Lobby for less than five dollars and get creative! Grab a Sharpie and write “Thank you!” and line the rest of pumpkin with polka dots in your child’s favorite colors, then send it to school for their teacher to enjoy. Put your artistry skills to use and color up a pumpkin or two for a friend who’s birthday is in October/November, is welcoming a new baby or has just done something nice for you. They’ll appreciate the nice, unique gesture for weeks to come, and it’s still appropriate for Thanksgiving!
2. Decorate for Thanksgiving: repurpose your pumpkins and place them throughout the home – up high in your kitchen, accessorize them with cornucopias and turkeys and drape fall-themed leaves around them. Poof! Instantly transforms from Halloween to Thanksgiving.
3. Make a pie or seeds: yum!
4. Donate them to your local zoo: the animals love to eat non-rotted pumpkins! Drop them at the zoo for the lions and tigers and bears to enjoy.
5. Toddler toy: keep them busy for an hour and listen to the cooing of their voice as they say “bumpin” over and over and over again. It works, and you already own it. Plus, it will give you time to sit for a minute!
6. Smash ‘em: take your anger out in a safe zone. Try to be alone so no one witnesses your little tantrum. Then, do you best to clean up afterward or pray for rain.
7. Recycle ‘em: stick them in you or an obliging neighbor’s compost pile so it re-enters where it came from.
8. Dump em’ for Deffenbaugh: make good use of those ginormous containers they leave you with and insist you stick in your tiny garage along with your two SUVs.
Whatever you chose, enjoy. And cheers to yet another fabulous weekend of ghosts and goblins, tricks and treats!
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