Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mug Shots

“O.m.g – our baby looks five!” I squeal in half delight, half disappointment at the darling school “head shots” that lay before me. “How are we going to pick?!”

The hubs snatches them out of my hand, and for a moment, I watch as his face softens, an expression cascading across his cheeks as one I hadn’t seen in months, the corners of his mouth turning up at amazement at how our remarkable little guy was changing right before our very eyes. In silence, we shared a glance, knowing that it was all moving too fast, and we should continue to note the small things and make every moment count. Because as they say, it won’t be like this for long…

So, here they are, in all their glory – his bi-annual mug shots done so nicely from his day care.

I’m obviously too biased being a proud Mama bear and all, so holler and let me know what your fav is! And thanks for letting me every once in awhile gloat, beam with pride, share endless stories and even shed a tear or two over this miraculous journey…one that, like mentioned before, slips by way too quickly…

Good thing for mug shots…

PS: These are pics of pics, so apologies for the quality…but you get the “picture…”

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