Ok, so normally my goal would be to reserve this blog for life's warm fuzzies such as Baby Choate and our random family happenings, but today it's going to serve as a pregnant woman's vent session. And before you judge, yes, I am extremely grateful for the incredible life I have and remember it everyday...just not right at this moment on this day:
12:30 a.m. - Awake; I blame the hormones
1:32 a.m. - Awake again
3:13 a.m. - You guessed it...awake
4:42 a.m. - You get the point
5:16 a.m. - Give up and actually wake
5:30 a.m. - Begin cleanning for the contractor (yippe! it's tiling day!)
6:40 a.m. - Try for breakfast and nausea sets in; hit DVR and none of my shoes recorded; see Ellie has consumed my fluffy pink slipper
7:15 a.m. - Start working; begin getting worked up from crazy, hormonal emails
7:30 a.m. - Two work "fires" pop up and I almost combust (note: this is not my normal reaction - I blame Little Choate; Ellie goes to daycare with the "good" collar on, which she will promptly ruin with fun swimming activities
9:00 a.m. - work, work, work and begin noting contractor has not yet arrived
10:00 a.m. - try for snack and still nauseous; have to resort to the Zofran
10:30 a.m. - leave message for contractor; more work drama
11:30 a.m. - try to wrestle up some food in kitchen; resort to Healthy Choice meal that won't even unfreeze with all the microwave power in the world
Noon: leave more scathing message on contractor's voicemail (no more chirpy voice)
1:40 p.m. - hop in car to go to Sonic to relieve stress (don't judge); have only 4 miles of gas left and decide yes, I can make it
1:41 p.m. - large spider on rearview mirror almost sends me catapulting into the police car next to me (by the way I had just avoided a complete stop at a red light)
1:42 p.m. - use cute pink wallet to try and smash spider and I'm on the cell phone
1:45 p.m. - arrive at gas station and realize my debit card is missing; given we did Dave Ramsey and don't even own a credit card...getting home could be a problem as pregnancy does not lend itself to flirting with creepy people for free gas
1:48 p.m. - scream into the sky and head to Sonic anyway; have to have cheddar bites so dig frantically through the car looking for loose change, carefully avoiding the rebirth of the missing large spider
1:49 p.m. - call Mike to tell him my sorry behind left the debit card at happy hour last night...on an outdoor table...with minimal waiter assistance...
1:52 p.m. - call Verizon 411 and get charged for it, but bright light! my card is safe at the restaurant and Mom is kind enough to fetch for me (xoxo)
1:53 p.m. - gas hits zero...pass the same cop and think to myself that surely he would help a pregnant woman in times of crisis...
1:57 p.m. - crazy enough, make it home...got the wrong order at Sonic
2:00 p.m. - decide to take raging thoughts out on contractor's voicemail
2:01 p.m. - contractor answers and says "he must have forgotten to check his calendar that morning." really??? REALLY????? and you run a legitimate business, really???
2:02 p.m. - carefully share that I work and can't just be home and that I expect he arrive Friday and compensate for part of my day's pay as well as the daycare costs of sending Ellie
2:03 p.m. - (both sit in awkard silence)
2:05 p.m. - call to consult with girlfriend with new baby, who assures me that insanity and thinking others are just stupid is a normal part of pregnancy and that yes, someday it will go away.
At least there's that.
It's now only 2:38 p.m....who knows what the evening will bring? Cheers to a brighter night ahead! Oh, and if you see a big, black hairy spider...kill it.
1 comment:
Oh, sweet girl!! YOu have my sympathies! Tomorrow will be another day.
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