Monday, July 26, 2010

Money Matters

“Can you believe this?! He actually sent a CALENDAR INVITE. Via OUTLOOK,” I say to my friend Sarah, who paused thoughtfully while helping me hang yet another stack of pictures in my office. “The boy never accepts my invites and chides me for over-communicating our family plans, yet HE sends ME an invite. To my work nonetheless!”

The subject line: Budget Meeting.


As a gal who’s most likely in a committed relationship and understands when another pair of black shoes really is a necessity, you get my anxiety in going home for this “meeting” today. At least he had the courtesy to schedule it around “The Bachelorette Tell All” show I have slated for this evening.

My response: “Propose New Time” – to NEVER.

Yeah, that didn’t fly. So 7:30 it is. Me. Husband. Dave Ramsey. And a whole lot of numbers, analytics and things that will only better our life but that I will still never care for or understand.

Must stop at liquor store on way home…

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