Incorporating these colors into my quite-traditional home has proven to be challenging, but I’ve taken the advice of those with killer taste and if I adore something, throw it up there and see how it works with everything. And so I have, adding items like these:
Kitchen towels from Crate and Barrel:

Vases from Anthropologie:


And on the side, I picked up these little numbers today…I couldn’t resist (note mine is Tiffany Blue vs. green, but I couldn't find the image). Plus, they’re handmade in Ecaudor from the acai seed by a darling couple that is working to pay for their children’s education. At nine bucks each out of my pocket (which still feels like a splurge these days), I couldn’t pass them up. Won’t they be fabu on my island getaway next week?!

So it’s not just about breakfast at Tiffany’s anymore, or begging for the latest piece I desire there, but more so about embracing any item that sports their signature color. I just know Audrey would’ve done the same, right?!
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