Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Fight the White: Funville!

A quick peruse through Facebook indicates Kansas Citians have had enough of their nearly 20 inches of snow, particularly those with hard-to-wrangle youngsters who are tiring of finger paints, snowmen and even cookie baking with their parents at home. So once you're plowed out and ready to fight the white, one suggestion is to pay a visit Funville, a free exhibit currently hosted at Crown Center.

Practicing fire fighting skills

Securing his football career

And even trialing his basketball moves

Wooden fronts resembling vet offices, a crawl tunnel, kitchen, racecar and more, this low-key fun can buy parents anywhere from 15 minutes to two hours of good, clean fun. Plus there's the chance to hit the candy store, aquarium, catch the fountains, pose with a Lego guy or catch a performance at the Coterie. Might as well as long as you're there, right?

Funville: an inexpensive treat and a break from snowville!

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