Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Here's To You, Milestone Moms

"Girl - are you sure you're going to be ok?! I'm here for you - any hour. I can't imagine. So awesome, yet so hard!" I said to my friend as she clutched my office door, her face paling as she counted down the days to her daughter entering kindergarten, her list of concerns and to-do list items growing the more she talked. I wasn't sure if there were enough hugs in the world...

Scrolling through your Facebook feed in the past week, you've likely been moved by the darling back to school pics, children clutching chalkboards, a too-large backpack weighing them down, some pics slightly blurry because the parent behind the camera couldn't hold it together.

Carry on, warriors. You're amazing. Strong. Loving. Brave. And your children are too. 

We've been thinking of you all week, wishing your family the warmest of transitions and new discoveries that bring magic and melt hearts. But in the meantime, if you need to cope with it all:
Dig into the mom basket!

How cute is this?! A colleague made this for another team member as she sent her oldest to kindergarten and her little to a new daycare on back to back days. It includes chocolate, lotion, a stress ball, Kleenex, cleansing wipes, candy, pencils, booze and a set of spiritual verses and sayings to get her through her week.


Can I count this as virtually making one of these for each of you?! 

So make one for your transitioning mama - she deserves it. And she may even share that beer with you.

Big hugs!

Oh - and if you're having a hard time understanding her, read this. But DON'T let her read it until she's healed a bit more :) 

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