Monday, June 13, 2011


One of Taylor Swift's songs. The age I was when I got in my first wreck...and fell in "love." And no, not at the same time. A sperm whale's brain (wtf Google?!). Peyton Manning's jersey number back in the day. Number of ounces in a pound, categories on the Myer Briggs test...

and the number of pounds shed from my figure.

Guess that wedding dress isn't just for vacuuming, hanging open in the back anymore...

now it's available for appearances at the playground?

Maybe not. But who cares: it fits again.

Here's to achieving wedding weight. Now onto college, then high school weight...but for now, let's celebrate!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are beautiful and enough at what ever weight you are. BTW, beautiful wedding pic!!! Happiness is acceptance!!