Monday, July 1, 2013

Monday Momfessions - July 1 Week

1. On a trip to the farmstead today, I baited a worm. With a baby strapped to me. In Ann Taylor clothing. By myself. Boymoms unite!

2. Inappropriate places I've changed a diaper in the past week: on the floor of a DQ, a tennis court and the trunk of my car. Hey - a girl's gotta have her Blizzard, get her game on and hit the Farmer's Market.

3. On a quiet night before bed, I received the most remarkable compliment I've ever been gifted in life: "Mommy - you're the BEST mommy ever." I'll never forget it, hug and all.

4. Styling and primping of the hair has not occurred in two weeks time. Hey, it's summer, right?

5. A pharmacist girlfriend sent me some awesome research on nursing and alcohol consumption. It may be printed and posted in our kitchen pantry where there should be healthy recipes. Again, hey, it's summer, right? And my kid cries a lot...

6. Squeak's smile may be the most magical I've ever seen. It starts way under his third chin and lights up the left, then right side all the way to the twinkle in his eyes. I melt.

7. White noise is slowly making me want to drink due to it's frequency of play in this house. See #5.

8. Having the sweet neighbor boy hang out with Little Dude near the dinner hour after a long day may be one of the greatest treats ever as it gives me a mini break to focus on one kiddo and quasi prepare dinner. Guilty! Seriously, how do you other moms do it all?! #stillonalearningcurve

9. I've started score keeping with the hubs on child duties. This is NOT good for the marriage. I repeat, this is NOT good for a marriage.

10. I engaged in a 45-minute educational lecture and inspection session of "bottoms" (his own, not mine!) with my suddenly very curious son that challenged my clinical knowledge and made me wish I had called his Dad in for the shennanigans. What is with boys and their parts?! On a related note: I'm secretly concerned the picture I must host on my iPad for the pediatrician of Squeak's inguinal hernia will be sniffed out by the police and make me look like the crazy lady that should be jailed. Eeeek.

11. Bonus since I didn't post last week: I had the "9" dialed of "911" when attempting to create healthy waffles for the first time in a waffle maker. There may have been some smoke, unique smells and one undomestic diva that should never be in the driver's seat of the kitchen. But hey - Little Dude will be eating La Leche League waffles topped with applesauce each morning as an improvement over his Eggos and syrup. Baby steps!

What's new with you this week, Momma? May you have a wonderful Fourth!

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