Monday, July 18, 2011

Anniversary in July

It’s a bit like Christmas in July, but better, with store windows transitioning from late summer to fall, crowds of women taking their time to carefully touch, inspect, inhale and really pausing to appreciate the material objects around them. The music is low-key, there isn’t a sense of urgency to wrap up your list and the décor is still intact vs. the dropping red and green that seems to occur later in the year. It’s absolutely indulgent.

I’m talking about the Nordy’s Anniversary Sale, the time of year when the department store puts out its fall preview of items at nearly half the cost. Unless traveling, we (Mom and I) never miss it, me literally taking a few hours off of work to arrive at 8:00 a.m. to tame the materialistic beast inside of me, much like the Holiday Mart extravaganza I too glutton myself with annually.

I’m beginning to sound a bit like I could’ve played Isla Fischer’s character on “Shopaholic,” yes?

And really, shouldn’t I be writing about me and the hubs’ anniversary that’s this week instead? (Don’t even ask me which one I anticipate or celebrate more…b/c of course it’s our marriage… …. ….).

Though funds were tight due to some car repairs, a sinking driveway, medical bills and the drone of what we’re all responsible for as adults, I did snag a few tiny, inexpensive things that make my heart swoon. But like the “Barenaked Ladies” band says, if I had a million dollars, here are some of the things I would’ve scooped up:

And that's just some of it.

My heart is still racing from the fun of Friday morning. Heck, I even posted twice on Facebook and checked in when I arrived.

Issues. Deep-rooted issues I tell you.

But I’m not going to lie, despite suffering countries and all that we really should be using our money for or saving and guilt this or guilt that, it was an absolute blast and best of all, a time I can recall fondly spent bonding with my Mom that involves no conflicting thoughts, no hard-to-tackle subjects, no judgment or hard work, just pure fun.

I look forward to many more anniversaries to come…

oh, in marriage too...I promise...marriage too...

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