Sunday, July 3, 2011

Ju-Ju: Yes, Please!

As the little dude nears two, it’s been a treat to tone down on carrying all the “stuff” everywhere we trek, including bottles, toys, outfits and more. With predictable diaper times and everyday stuff more intriguing than toys, we’ve narrowed down to this cute little wristlet that I can toss in my everyday handbag:

Ok, so mine’s an obnoxious pink and orange and the hubs is sporting a black one, but regardless, we heart them all the same.

They’re extremely lightweight, the zipper is super user-friendly, you can pack a ton of crap in there and they even easily fit the length of the travel wipes cases. Right now, mine holds two diapers, travel wipes, hand wipes, an EpiPen, two Hot Wheels and a mat to lay out when we go out to eat. I can’t think of a single other thing we’d need, even if we were out for a day.

I’ve tried several others given my obsession with name brands (I’m awful, yes), loud style and being different, but I’ve landed on this, and I’m not going to sway. In fact whenever that second one comes along, I’m going to nix the diaper bag situation and try this as well, all within my handbag.

Who knows, maybe this trick will work to add to my handbag vs. diaper bag collection…

Either way, when it comes to Ju-Ju-Be, I say yes, please!

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