Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Summer Bucket List

As the last of the 100-degree days roll by (hopefully?!) and the besties begin talking of their return to school with disdain, I begin to mentally prepare myself that a) summer has begun b) it’s nearly over. For the many that office year round, it’s hard to remember that this is a season to be enjoyed, spend a little extra time lazing on the porch with a popsicle, running through the sprinklers, staying up past the street lights and just taking a minute to really appreciate the three months for their potential.

Recalling this, our family created a summer bucket list for summer of 2011. Simple, understated and not hugely goal-oriented, it looks a little something like this:

1. Visit the Farmers’ Market
2. Visit the Zoo
3. Get in lots of pool time
4. Splash in the fountains at Zona Rosa
5. Take the little dude to his first T-Bones game
6. Enjoy one of the First Fridays downtown
7. Schedule less on the weekends
8. Put the sprinkler out front and just run
9. Take a trip, even if it’s a mini one
10. Sit on the deck with a bottle of wine (this one is spouse specific)

I’m unhappy to report that we’ve barely made a dent, so my fingers will soon scrawl diligently over the pages of my MomAgenda to ensure we tackle the rest. After all, we never get these days back.

So, what’s on your summer bucket list?

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